Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I just watched the movie Leap Year (2010), from SpyGlass Entertainment, at the suggestion of a very good friend.  Not worth the time unless you want a typical cheesy movie with the same cliche plot. However, I was disappointed for two main reasons that were unrelated to the plot itself:

1) Amy Adams, I discovered, is not a very good actress...or at least, she was not in this movie.  That really surprised me after having seen her in Enchanted.  I was blown away at how perfectly she had played her role in Enchanted, but maybe playing innocent princess is just her forte. 

2) I only watched the movie because this good friend of mine, who happens to be an ex-girlfriend, told me that the main male character reminded her of me; mainly in the things that I would do.  I was a little disappointed to see that a) he was not really good looking, and b) I consider myself to be a whole lot funnier than this guy was. Apparently I may not be quite the crack up that I find myself to be. :D Oh well, such is life.

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