So my last post was mainly in jest, and a bit sacrilegious, but since then I've become severely frustrated by the comment of a co-worker who shows constant ignorance compounded by the fact that they don't know better than to voice their ignorant views to the world. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the freedom of speech and that people should be able to think for themselves, but for goodness sake, try and actually THINK before you speak once in awhile!
I by no means am a proponent of those with same sex attractions/relationship being joined by law and calling it "marriage". My religious beliefs are that the term "marriage" is defined as a lawful union between a man and a woman. I DO believe in equal rights for same sex couples though, and I do believe that they should have the same human rights that everyone else does, and that they should be treated like everyone else, and by that I mean that they should be respected and treated as human beings.
I get so frustrated with those who think they are better than others because of their sexual orientation, or the color of their skin, or the accent which they speak with. Granted, I make jokes about all three of these groups in light heartedness just as I do about myself and others of my own preferences and characteristics (Point being that I do not show the proper respect, at times, for others that I should), but I do not do it in an attitude of being better than them. People are people and yes, we are all children of God. To love and to treat others respectfully is not to condone or agree with other people's actions, it is simply to act as Christ would act.
I know that anyone reading this can call me out as a hypocrite on several things I do, and I am okay with being called out when I am one. But no one who knows me can say that I do not strive to treat those around me as human beings, and that all of my teasing aside, I do not care for the happiness and welfare of others regardless of whether or not they are the same as me. I struggle with some personalities, and many choices that people make in their lives greatly sadden me, just as I'm sure happens at times to anyone reading this, but we should always seek to pay proper respect to those we disagree with. Hatred makes me sick.